Investments in coal regions

The state of Saxony-Anhalt grants benefits according to the "Guideline on the granting of benefits to local authorities and other bodies responsible for municipal tasks in Saxony-Anhalt according to the Investment Law Coal Regions (Guideline Saxony-Anhalt Revier 2038)" for particularly significant investments in the part located in Saxony-Anhalt of the Central German Revier.
The grants aim to cope with the structural change in the course of the end of the conversion of lignite into electricity and to secure employment in the affected region.
Cross-funding projects require close cooperation between the responsible approval authorities. The funding pilot advises the developer on the appropriate subdivision of overall projects into sub-projects, if necessary in coordination with the approval authorities; in case of doubt, the guideline provider decides.
Projects that are funded according to this guideline must work in the Saxony-Anhalt part of the Central German Revier in accordance with Section 2 No. 3 letter b of the Coal Regions Investment Act: Burgenlandkreis, kreisfreie Stadt Halle, Landkreis Mansfeld-Südharz, Landkreis Anhalt-Bitterfeld, Saalekreis.
What is funded?
Nahverkehrsservice Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH is responsible for the implementation of funding area 2 b) traffic without federal, state and municipal roads, in particular to improve the traffic conditions of the municipalities as well as railways that are not federal railways in the context of local public transport.
This includes:
- Construction, expansion and redesign of local rail transport interfaces
- Revitalization of reception buildings
- Measures on non-federally owned railway lines in connection with local rail passenger transport" "Who can be funded?
Who can be funded?
Beneficiaries are:
- local authorities of the above-mentioned districts and urban districts,
- other agencies insofar as they fulfill public, especially municipal, tasks in or for the above-mentioned districts or urban districts
How high is the funding rate?
The funding rate is a maximum of 90% of the eligible expenditure.
You can't imagine anything specific and are looking for inspiration?
You can find suggestions in our existing funding programs: Interface program and REVITA.
Nahverkehrsservice Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH
Telephone: +49 (0) 3 91 - 5 36 31 - 411
Fax: +49 (0) 3 91 - 5 36 31 - 99