Offers for schools

Do you want to prepare your pupils for travelling by rail and bus? We're here to help! We will come to your school, hold classes and support your project days. Additional information can be found in our information flyers for
Secondary schools and grammar schools
Schools for children with learning difficulties
With the project, we will help answer the following questions:
- How do I read timetables?
- How do I find my connection?
- How do I buy a ticket from a ticket machine?
- How do I find my way around the station?
We will gladly come to your school. To arrange an appointment, please call:
Nahverkehrsservice Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH
Contact person
Doreen Havemann
Am Alten Theater 4
39104 Magdeburg
Telephone: +49 (0) 3 91 - 5 36 31 - 153
Fax: +49 (0) 3 91 - 5 36 31 - 99