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Grüne Mobilitätskette closing event

On 25th August, the official closing event for the Grüne Mobilitätskette project in central Germany was held. It was attended by numerous representatives from the fields of politics, economics and research. More than 150 guests were greeted in the elegant and fitting atmosphere of the Leopoldina, where they could enjoy the exhibit in the forecourt, bathed in glorious sunshine.

Following an introduction from Prof. Gunnar Berg (Vice President of the Leopoldina National Academy of Science), Secretary of State Rainer Bomba presented the future of electromobility in Germany from the perspective of the BMVI (Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure) and extended his thanks to all the participants in the project on behalf of the Federal government. Thomas Webel (Minister for Regional Development and Transport for the State of Saxony-Anhalt), Rüdiger Malter (CEO of Nahverkehrsservice Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH (NASA)) and Jörg Kallenbach (Head of Unit for Sustainable Mobility at the Thuringia Ministry for Environment, Energy and Conservation (TMUEN)) also each gave a welcoming address. This was followed by the official opening of the "eFlotte - Electromobil unterwegs" campaign.

More information is available at  www.eflotte-sachsenanhalt.de

The results and achievements of the Grüne Mobilitätskette project were illustrated in incisive presentations and subsequently expanded on and discussed in workshops. The event was topped off by a presentation of the results in a plenary session, and an opportunity for attendees to network.

A summary project brochure is available to download in the list of GMK project downloads.