Additional trains and buses for large events in September

Late summer brings a number of major events to Saxony-Anhalt. For those visitors who want to leave their cars at home and travel by public transportation, Nahverkehrsservice Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH (NASA), in cooperation with the transportation companies, has condensed the timetables and increased the seating capacity on individual trains.
Tangermünde Burgfest
For the Tangermünde Castle Festival from September 8th to 10th, the RB33 will run between Stendal and Tangermünde every 40 minutes during peak periods. There will be additional trips in the late evening and at night.
Intermediate stops will not be served by trains, but by a shuttle bus, also at 40-minute intervals. There will be additional service on state bus routes as well. On route 742 there will be two additional trips from Tangermünde to Genthin (Friday 10.31 p.m., Saturday 11.31 p.m., both from Tangermünde station). In the opposite direction there are two additional trips (Friday 9.48 p.m., Saturday 10.48 p.m., both from Genthin station). On line 900 there are three additional trips on Friday and Saturday.ay.
- Departure Stendal Hbf 9.02 p.m. - Arrival Tangermünde, Lindenstraße 9.30 p.m. - Arrival Havelberg, Wasserturm 10.28 p.m.
- Departure Havelberg, water tower 10.28 p.m. - Arrival Tangermünde, Lindenstraße 11.17 p.m.
- Departure Tangermünde, Lindenstraße at 0.00 a.m. - Arrival Havelberg, water tower at 0.58 a.m. (in the night from Friday to Saturday / Saturday to Sunday).
Freyburg Winzerfest
Also from September 8th to 10th, the wine festival in Freyburg takes place. For this occasion, the service between Naumburg Hbf and Laucha is doubled on Saturday and Sunday. the RB77 runs almost every half hour between 10 am and 8 pm. Also in the evening and night hours Friday/Saturday and Saturday/Sunday additional trips are offered. In addition, all trains run at double capacity through the Unstrut Valley. Saturday and Sunday a direct arrival and departure with the RB77 from Halle/Saale (9.42), Merseburg Hbf (9.52 a.m.) and Weißenfels (10.07 a.m.) is possible; back from Freyburg is 8.01 p.m.(Saturday) and 6.01 p.m.(Sunday). Furthermore, special trains organized by railroad clubs are expected in the Unstrut valley on Saturday. Between Karsdorf and Wangen/Roßleben, buses are currently running in rail replacement service, in Karsdorf there is a connection to the trains to/from Freyburg.
Cycle Tour
For the journey of the participants to the starting point of the Cycle Tour on September 11th in Halle, an additional train has been ordered, which will join the regular train service of the RE30, in order to spread the cyclists over as many trains as possible. The following train connections are suitable for the trip to Halle.
- Magdeburg Hbf 6.35 a.m. - Halle Hbf 7.42 a.m.
- Magdeburg Hbf 7.05 a.m. - Halle Hbf 8.13 a.m. (additional trip)
- Magdeburg Hbf 7.35 a.m. - Halle Hbf 8.42 a.m.
- Magdeburg Hbf 8.35 a.m. - Halle Hbf 9.42 a.m.
For the return trip, participants can use the regular hourly train service in the afternoon.
Eisleber Wiese
The Eisleber Wiese takes place from September 15th to 18th. With the lines S7, RE8 and RE9 there are trains every half hour from Lu. Eisleben in the direction of Halle and at least every hour in the direction of Sangerhausen. In order to offer visitors the opportunity to travel late in the evening and at night, the train service has been extended on Friday/Saturday and Saturday/Sunday nights.