State grants additional 10 million euros for public bus transport in Saxony-Anhalt

Today's decision by the Saxony-Anhalt state parliament on the 2024 budget clears the way for a ten-million-euro subsidy to the public transport authorities, i.e. the counties and independent cities in Saxony-Anhalt. "The funds are to be transferred as early as January in order to secure the liquidity of the transport companies," said Dr. Lydia Hüskens, Minister for Infrastructure and Digital Affairs, after the state parliament session.
According to the minister, the funds will be granted in addition to the 60 million euros in lump-sum allocations under the Public Transport Act and will be distributed according to a fixed formula. "This is our contribution to ensuring that public transport in all counties and independent cities can continue to operate at the current level despite the difficult conditions," Lydia Hüskens emphasized.
For your information:
In Saxony-Anhalt, the counties and independent cities are responsible for public transportation. They contract municipal and private bus and tram companies. In accordance with the Local Public Transport Act, the state provides financial support to the local authorities, which is paid out in four installments throughout the year.